Updates in Cannon Fodder Another Challenge
Below you can find a list of updates and/or changes that are done to the game. If you have any questions, opinions, feedback or problems, then send an e-mail to cfodder81@gmail.com or fill out the form in Contact.
31-1-2021 : Objectives are updated. Some "Destroy Enemy Buildings" levels are updated to "Kill all Enemy" instead. Also the objectives "Rescue Hostages" and "Protect All Civilians" are added for a few more times in a few levels.
- Civilians and it's necessary sprites are now improved. Civilians can now also come out of a building. Existing civilian maps are now updated and secretly there are a few more civilian buildings added in some maps.
- Cannon Fodder Another Challenge can now also be added on Open Fodder. A new updated pack is available now to download so you can add Cannon Fodder Another Challenge immediadly to Open Fodder.
23-8-2020 : A few changes are done this time:
- At some maps luck based situations are now changed into skills based situations. Specially at the maps where the skills didn't count that much so you had to let everything depend more on luck than skills. Some maps have been made different a little bit and difficulties in the whole game are also changed on a way that skills of a gameplayer will also be very important. There are still luck based situations in the game, but now they shouldn't be that annoying so the gameplayer may get frustrated by the game.
- Some maps with enemy turrets have been edited that way so the skills of the gameplayer will be still important and not the too much luck where it all depended on sometimes. Enemy turrets are shooting missiles pretty randomly so you don't know where they exactly explode comparing to bazookas which are exactly shooting where you walked for the last time.
- Some maps with enemy vehicles have been edited. Vehicles are now added that way so it doesn't only depend on luck, but also on skills of the gameplayer. Enemy tanks and helicopters could fire missiles and bombs so randomly that a perfect gameplay can't always be guaranteed depending on how they are added in maps.
- There were to many mines and boobytraps. Some of them have been removed. Making a game sneaky with mines and boobytraps is pretty funny, but too many of them may become annoying.
- Shapes of mines and boobytraps are improved. They are visible, but you still have to look very carefully for tiny differences on the ground.
- Cannon Fodder Another Challenge can now also be added on Open Fodder. A new updated pack is available now to download so you can add Cannon Fodder Another Challenge immediadly to Open Fodder.
4-8-2019 : A few changes are done this time:
- Levels where enemy soldiers used to move slow, are a little bit faster now.
- Mines and boobytraps are a tiny bit more visible now. You still have to watch very carefully for tiny differences on the ground, but you should see something.
- A Little Change done in Mission 9 phase 2.
- Cannon Fodder Another Challenge can now also be added on Open Fodder. Great for people who want to play Cannon Fodder Another Challenge, but don't want to install WinUAE for it. (A special pack is available to download so you can add Cannon Fodder Another Challenge immediadly to Open Fodder.)
21-9-2018 : Mission 11 phase 1 title updated to "Blood For Blood". "The Mortuary" was not the right title for this phase because the map doesn't look like a mortuary.
16-8-2018 : First release of Cannon Fodder Another Challenge and longplay video on YouTube online.